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  • By Mandy Tague
  • In Blog
  • Posted 05/07/2017 13:51:00

We understand that technology and software are used by businesses to make our working lives easier, but this is only true if the user has sufficient knowledge of what they are using. In fact, the frustration and disruption caused through lack of proper understanding can be counterproductive resulting in wasted man time and inefficiency.

At Lanner, we specialize in predictive simulation modeling software and this challenge is no different for our users. We continuously advise our clients that when building their simulation program, training their modeler is as important as buying the right software itself!

People ask me all the time what is simulation and what does it take to be successful at modeling? Speaking with folks from a wide range of industries one thing I’ve found is those businesses that implement a proactive simulation modeling culture reap the rewards and honor it as one of their greatest strategies! In his recent blog, 5 Steps to Getting Started with Predictive Simulation, my colleague, John Beadsmoore, outlined the key strategies to help achieve success on the first modeling project. In the case of simulation, one of the biggest factors for success is the approach you take to training your modelers. A well-trained modeler can approach big decisions with the confidence and clarity required to ensure success.

Predictive simulation, like so many other software solutions, requires an investment in both technology and people, and necessitates a solid methodology for projects and deployment. Executing a model through its full life cycle requires proactive thinking and planning to achieve objectives. I see companies put money aside for software with a long list of technical requirements, but often with a lack of focus on training for the user to learn the modeling techniques and methodology they will need to move the modeling project through its full life cycle.

Excuses, excuses.

So why isn’t the investment in the training always there? I’ve heard everything from “they used the software in school” to “we expect our users to learn online.” I’ve been told ”we have a do-it-yourself approach to our users and want them to do video training.” I’ve also found that many times university students barely touch the software at the level required for a real-world project; DIY approaches don’t provide the real feedback loop required for implementing best practices and key learnings that can’t be gained from online videos.

As echoed in John’s blog, every modeling project involves a lot of thought beyond the model itself, and therefore it’s important not to minimize the investment in professionally educating your modelers. It’s of the essence! 

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