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Experience the power of a predictive digital twin in Lanner's new app that demonstrates how simulation can be used to experiment with your Industry 4.0 investment plans before committing to implementation in the real world.

Play with a Digital Twin

This companion app from Lanner demonstrates how processes can be analysed, changes implemented and tested using predictive simulation in a virtual environment (digital twin) before committing to expenditure in the real world.

Fictitious personal wind turbine manufacturer Ecoblades Inc. has made a radical change to its business model and now ships bespoke orders directly to consumers. The change was forced upon them due to competitive pressure in the personal wind turbine market. Unfortunately, this has caused massive disruption in their production facility and profits have plummeted. Using their factory digital twin and predictive simulation, new Industry 4.0 technology can be trialled throughout the factory in an attempt to resolve their new operating problems. Using the process map, see which areas are under performing and assess the value of upgrading those areas with new technology to the overall factory performance.

Please note - Both Ecoblade Inc. Digital Twins feature the same controls, however the AR (Augmented Reality) version requires that your device camera recognises a specific image in order to anchor the digital twin model. Please target the back of a Lanner business card or create your own target by printing this image.