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  • By Lanner
  • In News
  • Posted 14/01/2020

Lanner has a long-standing history with the OR Society, taking part in judging panels, presenting best practices techniques and winning the prestigious OR Society President's Award in 2017. This year, the OR Society are pleased to announce their 10th Simulation Workshop 2020, SW20, which is taking place between 30th March and 1st April at Burleigh Court Conference Centre, Loughborough University, UK. 

Held in cooperation with the INFORMS Simulation Society, SW20 marks its 10 year anniversary, where an amazing community of practitioners and researchers have been meeting every two years since 2002 to discuss all things simulation.

The three-day event offers simulation practitioners, students and experts the chance to present their work and achievements, while also taking part in a panel discussion on artificial intelligence, a group problem solving activity, tutorials and networking. SW20 features an exciting line-up of high-profile international keynote speakers addressing promising avenues in purposeful data generation from simulation models, using data analytics and agent-based simulation

Tutorials will be held by leaders in the field of simulation, while 30 papers showcasing simulation work will be presented, based on discrete event simulation, simulation optimisation, metamodels, system dynamics, hybrid simulation and teaching simulation in the classroom. Authors are coming from a variety of destinations across the globe, including the USA, Spain, France, Ireland and the UK.

If you would like to be part of the 10th anniversary of the Simulation Workshop, there is still time to register. To secure a reduced registration rate, sign up before 26th January. For more information and to register, please click here

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